About me

Michal Válka

Hello and welcome to my personal page! My name is Michal Válka and you might know me under my nickname Warxim.

I am software engineer and cyber security specialist from Brno (Czech Republic), where I currently work as a Senior Software Engineer at SentinelOne. In addition to that I enjoy digital painting, playing guitar and studying German.

If you have any questions, do not hesistate to contact me using the contact form at the end of this page.

Software Engineer

I love programming both web and desktop applications using Java, Javascript and Python.

Ethical Hacker

I am interested in ethical hacking and cyber security.

Digital Artist

I like to paint both images from reference (portraits and scenes from movies) and concept art.



PETEP (abbreviation for PEnetration TEsting Proxy) is my open-source Java application project for network communication proxying for the purpose of penetration testing. It allows testers to setup proxies and interceptors to manage the traffic transmitted between client and server. PETEP is also extensible and modular, which can be used to create support for new protocols and/or new intercepting modules.

Website: PETEP

Technologies: Java & JavaFX, SQLite, GraalVM Polyglot


Deluder is open-source tool for intercepting traffic of proxy unaware applications. It is based on Frida and uses dynamic instrumentation to intercept communication in common networking libraries.

GitHub: Deluder

Technologies: Python, Frida


Vulnerable Client-Server Application (VuCSA) is made for learning how to perform penetration tests of non-http thick clients. It is written in Java (with JavaFX graphical user interface) and contains multiple challenges including SQL injection, RCE, XML vulnerabilities and more.

Website: VuCSA

Technologies: Java & JavaFX, SQLite



If you would like to contact me, please fill in the form bellow.

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